That's a Wrap: Push-up Challenge Over

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I'm calling this push-up challenge over.  The 30 day mark was on the 18th but I actually only completed 22 days of pushing up.  Life and family visiting and a wedding and studying for a midterm messed up the flow of my last week.  I've done a few more sets this week but sometimes you just have to officially wrap things up.

As you can see from the list to the right, I wasn't the most consistent.  The original challenge called for 100 push-ups a day for 30 days.  However, I was perfectly fine with doing "some" push-ups a day for 30 days.

Here is what I learned:
  •  The first cut is the deepest (baby I know!)  Meaning...the first few days were the hardest.  I was so sore but miraculously, it didn't get tougher.  It only got better after the first week.
  • I am stronger than I think!  I can now do 5 sets of 10 regular push-ups.  That is crazy! Before, I could only do 1 set of 4 or 5 push-ups.

The push-ups were mostly done on my knees (K) because I'm still nursing my foot injury and didn't want lean too heaviliy on my toes.  The couple of days that I attempted regular push-ups I marked with a T for toes. :)

Overall, I had a lot of fun with the challenge and was able to inspire some of my friends to try too.  I am feeling buffer and determined to keep push-ups as a part of the routine; a part of the general goal of getting fitter.

What about you?
What are your fitness goals these days?
Do you build strength training into your regular routine?

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