30-Day Push-up Challenge Accepted

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I am sore. 

I've just completed 100 push-ups today.  Knee push-ups...but still.  100!

A couple days ago, I came across and Active.com tweet about the 30-Day Ultimate Push-Up Challenge.  The challenge is to do 100 push-ups a day for 30 days.




I was immediately intrigued. 

I can probably do 4 or 5 regular toe push-ups and I've been meaning to work on my upper body strength. So challenge accepted!

It is technically day 3 of the challenge for me but it's the first day that I've completed the 100 push-ups!  

Today went like this:
20 this morning before work
2 sets of 20 at the gym
2 sets of 20 at home in the evening!

Breaking the task up into sets of 20 should help a lot in getting it done.  You know?  Break it off into chewable pieces.  I only completed 20 knee push-ups Day 1 and Day 2 but after today, I think I'm ready to commit to it.

For me the challenge is about getting stronger not about being crazy about hitting 100 everyday.  I will do my best to listen to my body, to not injure any more parts of my body.  I already feel a difference between Day 1 and today.

Stay tuned for my progress!

How about you?
How many push-ups can you do?
What new challenges are you attempting these days?

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