Baystate Marathon 2015 Complete!

Monday, October 19, 2015

This was a tough one but I finished!

It is kinda hard to believe this was my third marathon.  What a year of injury, recovery, and ramping back up!  I'm not where I'd like to be in terms of marathon performance but this time around was mostly about the experience:  getting myself back out there and putting some miles in.   

I praise God for this experience and keeping me relatively healthy during the process, for all my sweet sweet friends who let me ride their enthusiasm for me and my racing to the start line and beyond, and for my faithful running followers and blog readers who share their experiences and let me learn from them daily!

Chilly Race Day

The race started just outside of the Tsongas Arena in Lowell, MA.  The day was sunny and beautiful but freezing!  It was the coldest day we've had so far this season (29-44 degrees) and it was hard to figure out what clothing to wear, etc. I wore a long sleeve wicking shirt, with a windbreaker on top, 3/4 length spandex, and running gloves.  I wasn't sure if I would get too hot with a hat so I opted for my signature bandana.  

During the race I took off my windbreaker at mile 3 after I had warmed up a bit but needed to but it back on at mile 15 when things started to slow down :)  The wind was the biggest problem with us being so near the river.  The second half of the race was really cold for me.  Good thing there was a warm cup of vegetable soup waiting for me at the finish.  Thank you, race volunteers!

My friend Megan and I, and hundreds of runners warming up in the Tsongas Arena waiting to start the race.  Megan ended up running a stellar race and beat her previous PR by over 30 minutes!!!  Congrats Megan!

A Loop Course

First of all, for a small race there were a ton of really friendly volunteers serving and encouraging us on.  The water stops were all manned by area high schoolers whose enthusiasm was a breath of fresh air when the going got tough.  Thanks for organizing a great race, Greater Lowell Road Runners!

The race went along the beautiful Merrimac river.  It was everything I could do to not keep stopping to take pictures.  I did stop at mile 18 or so to take a pic off a bridge.  Lowell is beautiful in the fall.

photo cred: Liza

Our route kept the Merrimac on our right, it was one big loop that we did twice; flat with a few rolling hills.  The hills were doable on the first go around but on the second pass, I really began to feel them.  One thing that threw me off was passing the mile markers for the higher miles on the first loop.  Like at mile 10, when I was already getting tired and the 20 mile marker came up shortly after, I was like oh Lord, I gotta do this loop again :x haha

The roads were all open during the race which for the most part was okay.  It only got to be a problem when most of the runners had finished and the drivers became emboldened by the fact that there were only a few us left.  There isn't much safety afforded with a small orange cone between me and speeding traffic.  All the more reason to be faster next time, I guess...

My good friend Liza (@run_boston) came out and spent all day cheering us runners on.  She even met me at mile 25ish and ran alongside me for a bit.   At that point, I was doing the zombie-walk/trot thing.  I was glad for the help.

This finish line photo is my favorite from the day.  My friend Josh was able to get this as I was coming into the finish.  I was so tired at this point but couldn't resist hamming it up for the cameras.  "Official Photographer" beware, Josh is gunning for your job!

Photo cred: Josh

Looking forward

I'm grateful for the experience but I know I need to tighten up my training if I'm ever going to get close to my Philly time again.  There are definitely somethings I've learned and adjustments that need to be made.  Like in Philly, my legs went before everything else.  I defintely need to work on hip, quad and glute strength.  My form has improved greatly.  I didn't have any of that leaning business going on.  I was able to stay upright for the whole race.  I also feel like I managed my calories well.  I never got that awful hungry, depleted feeling.  My legs just quit working. 

My next few weeks will be focusing on rest and light exercise.  This winter will be about getting stronger and working on my pacing for the semi long runs of 7-13 miles.   

What about you
Did you run a marathon this fall?  Which?
What was your biggest take away from your training or race day?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Nathan! And thanks for visiting the blog :)

  2. Congrats on another marathon finish!! One of the tricky things about this distance ate the obstacles you may encounter like injury. I'll be re running RnR Savannah 26.2 in about 15 days!!! :-) I Absolutely love that you credit God. He is awesome. He gives us strength to overcome so much. You have a new faithful reader. :-)

    1. Thanks Jessica! Yes, He is awesome! I wish you all the best in your marathon. May you achieve your goals and have fun doing it.

      Welcome to the blog! ;)
