One Mile Loop-y-ness

Saturday, October 3, 2015

A couple weeks ago I decided to do my 15 mile run on a one mile loop around my neighborhood.

Why, you ask?


I have been feeling like a crap runner these days.

I know that's not true. I know that running performance is all relative.  I know that I should be happy with how far I've come (I only managed 32 miles last year due to injury!).  Even with all of that "knowledge", I have still feel that something is off in this marathon ramp up.

My runs have been super slow (I mean suuuppper slow) and the process just hasn't felt the same as it has in the past.  I have been distracted by all the details and a little more than intimidated by the distances.  It was starting to worry me that if I couldn't get a solid run in before marathon day,  I would be in for a disaster on the 18th.
I decided to do the loop to strip all the logistics and worries away.

just run.

Surprisingly, it worked out.

My house was the "aid station".  The 4 major streets around my neighborhood connect for a one mile loop.  Of course I switched up directions and I forced myself to only stop according to plan -- running the first 5 miles nonstop then stopping every 2 miles after that.

I think this worked out because:

1.  I was close to home so I knew what to expect.

2.  I had easy access to fuel without having to haul it.  I carried my shot blocks but left water and Gatorade on my porch.

3.  Knowing the route allowed me to zone out and just run. I was able to maintain a steady pace the whole way!

Aside from slight boredom, there were no issues.  It was really good to get my legs moving and get a little confidence back.

Best run I've had all summer. 

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